Sunday, March 21, 2010

Homeopathy is a therapeutic art of cure based on nature’s fundamental laws brought into practice to heal the sick patients by its holistic touch. It is the most gentle and harmless way of curing the disease permanently. What are the other laws in nature used in Homeopathy?

1. Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
2. The flux of life travels from within outwards, from above downwards, from more important organs to less important organs.
3. No two individuals are alike in the world.
4. The symptoms go in the reverse order of it’s commence.
5. The quantity of drug required is in inverse ratio to its similarity. In short, more the similarity of the drug to the disease, lesser the quantity of drug required.
6. The quantity of force required to make any changes in nature is the least possible, if it is similimum to the nature. The decisive amount is always a minimal or infinitesimal.

If concept of disease is dynamic, then in order to correct dynamic derangement, medicines should also be dynamic in action. In short, Homeopathic medicines dynamically and holistically work on living organisms in a most harmless way without leaving any side effects. . Two things are achieved by this. First, the little creatures (bacteria and viruses) leave the body without doing any harm. And second, as the equilibrium of the vital force is restored, the person regains the immunity for not getting affected by the microorganisms in future. It is the complete cure, so is called as the Holistic line of treatment

As the Homeopathic treatment is based on nature’s fundamental laws, the
Action and reaction are equal and opposite. As seen in chronic diseases the disease progresses very slowly, the recovery as per nature’s law is also slow. So, Homeopathic medicines take time to cure chronic diseases, slowly but surely. In chronic cases it can be realized as patient under treatment gets more and more relief with time. As the acute diseases progress fast, the recovery can be fast also with Homeopathic treatment. By its very nature and effectiveness in delivering permanent relief, Homeopathy is used to treat more chronic diseases. Hence, there is a false belief that Homeopathy takes more time to
cure. The role of physician is to perceive what is curable in disease by ascertaining the symptoms from diseased person and by analysing the symptoms which medicines can produce (by studying Materia Medica), and application of proper medicine to the disease by symptom similarity.

Psychosomatic complaints like Migraine, Peptic ulcers, Asthma, Ulcerative Colitis, etc. have psychological origin from where it migrates to somas (body symptoms) ailments. Most of these ailments are treated by some treatments on pathological grounds giving only temporary relief. However, the main cause is often untreated. Homeopathy always treats patients as a whole by ascertaining his mental and general symptoms. After removing the inner cause of disease, the pathology is corrected by itself and patient is restored back to health. This gives rise to a complete cure.

Homeopathy has been used with great success to treat physical and mental illness. It takes little imagination to see how this natural, holistic and alternative form of medicine could be very useful in the treatment of: 1. Addiction: drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, gambling addiction, eating disorders. 2. Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, mental illness, homelessness. 3. Criminal Behavior: first offense, probation, hardened criminals, sex offenders. 4. Juvenile Crime: learning and behavior disorders, foster care issues, gang behavior. Homeopathy is able to correct the deep imbalance that lies at the bottom of many of the above mental health issues. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the individual's body and mind to bring themselves into balance while permanently eliminating

Classical homeopaths work with only one remedy at a time so that the effect of the remedy can be gauged effectively. The greatest challenge of homeopathy is to find the single remedy out of thousands that matches all the patient's mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Literally, classical homeopaths treat the "whole person Many people confuse homeopathy with naturopathy, acupuncture, herbology, nutritional supplements or oriental medicine. Homeopathy is a separate, unique and complete system of alternative medicine. Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like" or the "law of similars". This principle states that a substance that makes you ill can also cure you: anything that can produce symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure a sick person that has similar symptoms. A good example of this principle is coffee. The homeopathic remedy, Coffea, is used to treat nervousness and insomnia - the same symptoms one can experience after drinking too much coffee. Onion (Allium cepa) is another example. Onion is used to treat allergy and hay fever in cases where the patient has tears and profuse nasal discharge. These symptoms are just what someone would experience after peeling onions. Coffee and onion are two simple examples, but thousands of other homeopathic remedies cure complex illnesses by the same principle.

Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. In treating an illness it takes into account the unique emotional and physical traits of the individual concerned. So the medicine prescribed for two patients suffering from the same disease will be given different medicines according different characters, temperaments, reactions etc .Homeopathy is new age medicine. It is latest of applied nanomedicine. Small dose wonder works for range of diseases such as allergies, autoimmune, psychosomatic, lifestyle diseases, etc.

Homeopathy works very quickly in common, everyday complaints, it is a treatment for those in search of an instant cure in acute diseases. In chronic diseases, it requires careful self observation and the will power to stick to a plan of action. The reward for this is a greater sense of well- being,energy and resistance to disease
It is very important to study the mental picture of patients with primary diseases.

Dr. GUDIMETLA categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual. A closely fitting constitutional remedy, selected according to these criteria acts preventively and curatively. In addition to examining the symptoms of an illness, he enquires the fears, food preferences and response to general factors such as weather etc. Also takes into account a person's physical appearance and weak areas of body. Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic. Homeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system, like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, Asthma and Neurological disorder,etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like Cancer, Kidney Disorders,Thyroid diseases,Skin diseases,Migraine,Rheumatism.

General Factors Homeopathy takes into account-
The weather, seasons, temperature and time of day may worsen or improve physical conditions,food preferences. Some people are inclined to crave sweet foods, while others cannot tolerate them. Food likes and dislikes are an important part of assessing constitutional types and fears before prescribing a remedy and also tangible fears, for example, insects and snakes and emotional fears, such as fear of death ,failure and insanity. So the medicine prescribed two patients for the same disease is different. Homoeopathy categorize people according to their emotional characteristics.

Having been in practice for so many years, Dr.gudimetla decided to pursue chronic pain management issues in patients with Fibromyalgia.Patients suffering with myalgia and arthralgia were studied and he developed a strategic therapy of increasing their pain threshold and relieving inflammation in their soft tissues. This also was given an additional edge by promoting psychological health while incorporating effective homeopathic healing medicines. He has successfully treated thousands of patients. Considering today's fast pace of modern life and necessity to deliver the relief to patients promptly dr.gudimetla has developed a unique approach of "Triangular Elimination System" which has proven to be very effective.

Hyderabad's famous homoeo specialty clinic with cure rate of 100%. Thousands of chronic diseases are cured permanently for the last 35 years of private practice and in government service. It is not needless to say that I have conducted hundreds of medical camps cured huge number of patients for which I was awarded both by government and by private organizations. Most of the cases I treated are Liver, Skin, Endocrinal, Thyroid, Joints and bones, early Cancer, male problems and female systemic disorders ect. To say frank I was very much impressed by the people in our state in curing above systemic disorders with modern psychosomatic approach. It is nothing but art of healing for which I was awarded so many times. My concept is doing service to poor with curing their ailments. This no way lesser than any other great public service. My apple to you all get cure for your chronic ailments through my organization and support needy and poor.

Apart from the symptoms of the disease homeopathy consider aspects of physical and psychological state of the patients in recommending the remedy. With the help of homeopathic reference books (now latest software’s) we are selecting remedy. In 1828 Hahnemann introduced a concept of miasm, which he regarded as underlying cases for many known and unknown diseases. Miasmss are defined by homeopathy as an inputted "peculiar morbid derangement of the vital force and also we say initial exposure to these miasmas causes local symptoms such as skin and venereal diseases. If these symptoms are suppressed with improper medication, the cause goes deeper and begins to manifest itself as diseases of internal organs. These are nothing but deep seated ailments (deseases) because of underlying imputed miasmas. These can only be corrected by poetized medicine by removing deeper disturbances of vital force. Through advanced homeopathy over 75% of surgical cases are cured. Advanced Homeopathy is a new technique developed by DR. Gudimetla in this process elimination of remedy even 0.5% less indicated will be done. Selection of potency will be done on the basis of deepness and psychosomatic state of the disease.

Most of the homeopathic doctors are failing in giving cure because they are failing in removing abstraction in the process of cure. Hope you understood disease and cure both depends person susceptibility. On that we concentrate and give cure.

NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homoeo. & other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease.

It is most effective for CHILDREN -- as it has no side effects, it is easy to administer - in fact the children love to go to the Homeopathic doctor who gives them sweet pills to cure them instead of bitter medicines & injections. Children respond best as their vitality is at its highest hence most receptive to Homeopathic drugs.
-- Very convenient to carry.
-- Have a longer shelf life
-- Easy to administer
-- No toxicity -- do not have any known iatrogenic effect.
-- And last, but not the least --fairly economical

Four categories of temperaments: happy-go-lucky, irritable, hyperactive, or cerebral. Most common is the happy-go-lucky, smiling type. While some rare children needing Sulphur may be shy during the first visit, this shyness will usually only last for a few seconds or minutes at most before their natural curiosity takes overand they begin to explore both the office and the doctor. (Calcarea carbonica) children discover early in life that they are slower than others their age. During play, they find themselves slow at games and sportsThe first characteristic noticed about these children is how close they sit to their parents

Lycopodium Constitution and gets in trouble at home and school due to the fact that he is so "bossy and dictatorial", which of course shows tendency to leadership Do not go against the modalities in a case! Modalities are the things that make the complaint better or worse. If a person's itchy rash isn't better for hot applications, don't give Rhus tox! If a person's rash isn't aggravated by hot bathing, don't give Sulphur! If a person is better for a good night's sleep, don't give Lachesis! If a person says, "I love warm, stuffy rooms," don't make Pulsatilla your first choice! It's hard to imagine what could be more important in a case than the modalities (except, of course, for finding the cause)! Be sure and ask for them. When someone tells you their complaint--and I don't care what it is--first try to find out the cause, what caused it, because you may be able to use an "ailments from" rubric to solve the case, which might make the symptoms, themselves, irrelevant; then, if discovering the cause does not open up the case for you, ask them, "What makes it better or worse?" I don't care what they say is wrong with them. Sometimes we can be overwhelmed when we hear a case! So much is wrong! It sounds so serious! Just remember to say, "What caused it?" Then, "What makes it better

What makes it worse?" Give examples: heat, cold, motion, cold drinks, hot drinks, lying down, hot or cold applications, sympathy/company, massage, pressure, sleep, etc. There’s almost nothing you can do if all you have is the name of the illness! But for example, if someone says, "I have a headache that's better for hard pressure," that could be Bryonia! Now, try to think of a remedy that's WORSE for hard pressure--that's the remedy NOT to give! Colocynth is effective for internal spasms caused by anger

Here are more examples of causes associated with particular remedies:
Dehydration- Cinchona, Carbo veg ; Grief or loss – Ignatia, Natrum mur, Causticum ;
Vaccination – Thuja, Silica;
Head injuries – Arnica, Natrum sulph, Hypericum;
Humiliation – Staph, Ignatia, Lycopodium ;
Sexual abstinence –Conium.
One of the general qualities of Syphilinum is its frequent suitability for inveterate alcoholics, particularly if the tendency is inheritedIf renal calculus is large (>8mm), Bryophyllum MT helps to flush it out.

Intercurrent Homeopathic remedies:-Remedies such as Psorinum, Thuja, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum etc play a vital role in stimulating cases which does not yield any results.
I should give Causticum after Phosphorus, Silicea after Mercurius and Rhus tox after Apis , if I found it indicated.".Homeopathic medicine awakens and stimulates the body's own curative powers. The potentised remedy acts as a catalyst to set healing into motion. Homeopathy assists the body to heal itself, to overcome an illness which brings the patient to a HIGHER level of health. Orthodox medicine suppresses the illness,bringing the patient to a lower level of health.After taking a case, how do you decide which symptoms to. According to provings of syphilitic remedies, syphilis also has its own characteristics: mental dulness; stupidity; depression which produces sullen silence; fixed ideas; slowness of comprehension; aggravated all night and better all day: restlessness and anxiety all night; headache all night; tendency to destruction of bones and other tissues even to deformity; destructive ulcerations in many locations; several kinds of

neuralgias; sudden heart failure without warning; debilitating diarrhoeas; sticky gluey hair which fallseasily in spots or areas; eruptions moist, crusty, suppurating; deformed palatal arches and deformed teeth which soon decay; deformed nails.

Sycosis, the miasm which develops after a suppressed gonorrhoea, produces marked anaemia; inflammation of the mucous membranes, especially those of the genital sphere, and these hang on, are slow to cure and cause general indefinite illness. Mentally the sycotic patient is suspicious, jealous, quarrelsome, self-condemnatory and later degenerate. There are various catarrhal discharges often with a

Homeopathic remedies use minute amounts of substances to act as a trigger to the body and stimulate its natural immune system. We are attempting to make your pet as healthy as he or she can be and gradually build up their body to the best that it can be. We are working with the immune system and not against it and aiming for a cure. This can take time and some animals will never be totally free of symptoms, but should live longer and healthier lives as a result of the treatment they will receive. In

practice this means an animal can have a so called fatal illness but have an immune system that with the right homeopathic trigger can overcome the illness. The immune system which is encompassed in the term vital force depends on a variety of factors. These include age of the animal, type of disease, duration of illness as well as the innate vital force or Qi that the animal was born with. Drugs,poor nutrition, constant vaccinations, chemical treatments for fleas and ticks all undermine the immune system and should be avoided as much as possible. All these factors lead to the development of chronic disease which is characterized by specific symptoms. These groups of recognizable symptoms are known as miasms and in particular in animals a newly discovered miasm is appearing, called the rabies miasm, which manifests the chronic effects of the rabies vaccination. Miasms can be treated with specific individual remedies that gradually heal the body and free it from the effects of the miasm. Homeopathic remedies work with the body and not against it and when used correctly should leave the body

healthier than it was before it was sick. Suppressive drugs such as antibiotics and cortisone leave it weaker than before, although may have to be used in certain life threatening situations.
In practice -Psora --Hypo(less development of brain.less developmet of physic, lack,scanty, less, weakness, inhibetory tendency
Psycosis- Hyper (catarrhal,copies perpiration,hyperplasia,hypertrophy,hypertension, exagerbation excessive movement i.e restlessness.)
Syphilitic-Destroction,formatinof ulcers,mind distration,suisidal tendences,meloncholy,depression
Tubercular-alternation of hypo and hyper( periadicity alternation intermetent ,Dissatisfation)
In arterio sclerosis, induration of liver and glands Silicea, Calcarea flourica, Sulphur acts deeply which remove their tissue changes, where as Ars, Bry and Puls are short and medium acting which has no power to take hold of the condition.
The Cause of Disease:-Disease does not just happen'. Its origin may be from an event or series of events, extending over many years. Sometimes the cause is an inherited constitutional fault, or it may be a Progressive accumulation of toxic material in the organisms created by defective elimination.Other causative factors are bad hygiene, over indulgence in bad habits, over eating or malnutrition. Ailments often appear as a result of a severe mental or physical shock such as grief, prolonged anxiety, or great disappointment.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on treating the individual with highly diluted substances given in mainly tablet form, which triggers the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their experience of their symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to the patient.
It works on the principle of “like cures like” - that is, a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those same symptoms in illness. For example, one remedy which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffea, a remedy made from coffee.

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, based on an understanding of the interconnection between mind and body. By taking a full case history, homeopaths aim to treat the whole person, not just their disease. Instead of attacking symptoms with strong drugs, homeopathy uses gentle medicine which aims to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, thereby helping the body's natural tendency to heal itself. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed in very low dilution after a special matching process, which takes into account individual symptoms and characteristics.

Homeopathy treats the person rather than the named “disease” so potentially it can help patients with a wide range of conditions, both acute and chronic. Illnesses commonly seen by homeopaths in the clinic include recurrent infections (such as colds, tonsillitis, cystitis), skin conditions, menstrual and menopausal problems, chronic fatigue, migraine, and stress related symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia

Constitutional Homeopathy
Homeopathy is particularly effective in the treatment of long-term health problems. For example, in cases of recurrent ear infections in children, although the child may obtain antibiotic therapy for the acute ear infection, the problem may recur frequently, leading to a general state of impaired health. In such a case, homeopathy can be used to strengthen the system to prevent the future infections
In homeopathy, the goal is not the removal of symptoms but the recognition and removal of the underlying cause of the symptoms. For this reason, the correct homeopathic remedy is based on understanding the whole person rather than matching the symptoms of the disease

The question whether a constitutional remedy exists for every individual was raised quite early on in the homeopathic literature by Hahnemann himself when he stated that in order to cure completely and permanently you needed to find the "deeper" indicated remedy according to his theory of the chronic miasms.
The meaning of such expression was never clear in the homeopathic sense and before one can talk about a constitutional remedy we should define what we -in homeopathy - really mean with this expression. Many times in homeopathic gatherings one hears the question "what is your constitutional remedy?" or even worse when somebody asks a supposed expert "what do you think is my constitutional remedy?" Such ideas have degraded homeopathy and have given it an air of magic or superficiality that our science does not deserve.
Which will be considered his "constitutional remedy" out of the three, four or five remedies that may have been prescribed during the course of three, four or five years? What will be the constitutional remedy in such a type of case where four or five remedies have been prescribed, all with some results? Obviously it is not possible to say with certainty whether one of them was the constitutional remedy.
But if one of those remedies helped the most, can we say that this particular remedy could be called the patient's constitutional remedy? What is the significance of calling it "a constitutional" remedy?
The experienced homeopath knows that these types of cases are actually the most frequent in one's practice. So to define what we mean by "constitutional" remedy is not an easy task and perhaps a task that is not necessary for successful treatment.
If one can find a clear cut remedy to start treatment in a chronic case could such remedy be called constitutional?

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